
武藤崇教授が,Association for Contextual Behavioral Science という国際学会のFellow(特別会員)として表彰されました。

  • 武藤崇教授が,文脈的行動科学に対する貢献が認められ,Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (文脈的行動科学会という名称の国際学会)のFellow(特別会員)として,アジア人として初めて(Mavis Tsai 博士と同時受賞)表彰されました。
  • Fellowship in the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science is meant to recognize professionals with a terminal degree who have made strong and positive contributions to Contextual Behavioral Science. Our focus is deliberately broad. Fellowship can be awarded early, mid, or late career; contributions may be in research, scholarship, training, public information, policy, prevention, organizational work, practice, or any other area of CBS and of the Association; substantive areas include philosophy of science, basic, and applied domains. Fellowship is a membership status in ACBS, but may be offered contingently to those who are not yet members.
