同志社大学ヒューマン・セキュリティ研究センター年報, 2008, 第5号, 35-50.

Judgment of Public Acceptance of a Technology Accompanied by the Risk of Potential Disasters
- Logic, emotion and value -


  While complex technologies can benefit society, the benefits can be accompanied by the risk of potential disasters. How do lay citizens judge whether to accept or reject technologies that carry such risks? It is often said that judgments made by the public at large are irrational and based on emotion. Is the public therefore attracted by emotional messages? The present research approached this question by conducting a communication experiment on the public judgment of electricity produced by thermal plutonium. Five hundred and six students responded to one of five NPO pamphlets explaining the technology. The results suggested that 1)emotion−oriented messages were less effective than factual ones, 2)participants did not clearly differentiate their values on which they made their judgments, and 3)participants whose judgments were well−grounded trusted the NPO based on a perceived similarity of values, while perception of the NPO's fairness was the basis for those who made judgments based on emotion. Finally, implications of these results for the practice of communication on technologies were discussed.