日本リスク研究学会誌, 1995, 7(1), 45-49.


Does the Technical Terminology Bring the Immunity Effect in Risk Communication?

Abstract :
  This study examines the effect of the technical terminology in risk communication. One hundred and ninety-eight college students participated in a "before-after design" experiment. They were divided into two groups; one presented the safety standards of drinking water by the technical terminology before the lecture of the river pollution, and the other without such a presentation of safety standards. In the "before" session all subjects were asked to answered the questions concerning the risk perception of the drinking water. Then they were given the lecture of the pollution of rivers. In the "after" session they answered the same questions as those in the before session. The results suggest no immunity effect of the technical explanation which is difficult to understand for lay people in risk communication.

KEY WORDS : Risk communication, Technical terminology, Immunity effects, Drinking water